Childhood obesity is a widespread issue across the globe, with multiple intervention and prevention methods available.
Obesity is not just a weight problem; it also leads to severe health complications like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart issues.

What are the causes of obesity in children?
Numerous factors contribute to childhood obesity, often stemming from a sedentary lifestyle and insufficient physical activity. Key causes include:

1. Behavioral factors: Overeating, consuming high-calorie foods, excessive screen time, and lack of physical activity.
2. Environmental factors: Frequent consumption of fast food and limited opportunities for physical exercise.
3. Genetic factors: Children are at higher risk if one or both parents are obese, though genetics don’t guarantee obesity, and various steps can mitigate this risk.
4. Medications: Steroids and certain antidepressants, among others.
5. Medical conditions: Hormonal disorders like hypothyroidism, Turner syndrome, and Down syndrome.

Risks of severe obesity in children include type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, fatty liver disease, which could lead to cancer or cirrhosis, gallstones, asthma, polycystic ovary syndrome, and psychological and social impact, often leading to depression.

Surgical treatment for obesity in children: Surgery is considered the best option after all other lifestyle and medical treatments have failed, but it’s essential for specific cases.
While usually a last resort, it may be necessary in certain situations.
Types of surgeries vary based on the patient’s condition and needs, Including
gastric bypass:
Altering the digestive system to reduce food intake and absorption.
– sleeve gastrectomy:
removing part of the stomach to reduce food intake.
Selection criteria: For obese children with health issues, consultation with a specialized surgeon is crucial to determine the best solution.

A proper diet and exercise are essential, whether or not surgery is chosen, to weigh less in children.

You can contact Dr. Samir Al-Rahmani, best surgeon for obesity, laparoscopic, and general surgery in Dubai, at +971552564750.

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    02 Jumeirah Beach Rd - opposite Burj Al Arab - Umm Suqeim - Jumeirah 3 - Dubai

Opening Hours:

9am-9pm (Saturday- Thursday)
9am-6pm (Saturday)