What are the most important herbs recommended to burn body fat?

Herbs to burn body fat instead of weight loss surgery

Some people suffer from bariatric who do not want to resort to weight reduction surgery or their condition does not require these surgeries, so they resort to following a healthy diet and exercising. Still, in addition to that, it is recommended to use some herbs that help burn body fat and lose weight. Many herbs and spices fight food cravings and increase fat burning.

Here are some herbs that contribute to burning fat and improving your general health:

  • Green tea:

It is one of the most effective herbs in burning fat, as it contains antioxidants known as catechins, which enhance the metabolic rate and help reduce body fat.

  • Fenugreek:

Fenugreek helps increase feelings of fullness, thus reducing food intake to support weight loss.

  • Ginger:

It stimulates digestion, improves the metabolic rate, helps increase the burning of calories, and reduces the feeling of hunger.

  • Cinnamon:

 It improves the regulation of blood sugar levels, which helps prevent high insulin levels that may lead to fat storage.

  • Turmeric:

Turmeric contains curcumin, which helps reduce inflammation and boost metabolism. It can be used as a seasoning in food or taken as a nutritional supplement.

  • Black pepper:

It is a powerful nutritional ingredient that can aid in fat-burning and weight loss thanks to its metabolism-stimulating and anti-lipogenic properties.

  • Cumin:

Research has shown that cumin can reduce fat storage in the body, especially in the abdominal areas. Cumin helps prevent fat accumulation by improving insulin sensitivity and reducing inflammation.

  • Mint:

Mint helps improve digestion and increase metabolism. It can be taken as a tea or added to water.


Some tips for using herbs in your diet

  • Moderation: Herbs should be taken in moderation and not used excessively.
  • Diversity: The use of herbs in the diet can be diversified to obtain the greatest amount of health benefits.
  • Nutritional balance: We cannot rely on herbs alone for weight loss, but must be combined with a healthy diet and regular physical activity.


By using these herbs regularly, you can burn fat and improve your overall health without resorting to bypass surgery weight loss. But always remember to consult your doctor before starting any new diet or using nutritional supplements to avoid any health problems.


Dr. Samir Al Rahmani, the best surgeon in Dubai and a consultant in the field of bariatric, laparoscopic surgery, and general surgery, advises the necessity of continuous follow-up after the operation with your doctor, and you can contact him through the number:

+971 55 256 4750


The difference between weight loss surgery and fat loss: their definition and what is most important for your overall health Meta-Description:

Is there a difference between weight loss surgery and fat loss?

Some people think that losing weight is losing fat, but of course, there is a difference between them and it is important to understand this difference to properly achieve your health and fitness goals. Here’s an explanation of the differences between them:

Weight loss:

It refers to an overall decrease in body weight, which can include loss of fat, water, muscle, and bone.

It may lead to decreased muscle mass, which can lower your basal metabolic rate and make it difficult to maintain weight loss. It can cause fluid loss, which may give the false appearance of weight loss.

Weight can be lost by significantly reducing calories, excessively increasing physical activity, or resorting to different types of weight loss surgery.

But it may not always be good for your health, especially if it leads to muscle loss. It can negatively affect strength and energy if it is not done healthily.

You can measure it using a scale. However, it does not distinguish between fat, muscle, or water loss.

Fat loss:

It refers to specifically reducing the percentage of body fat. It focuses on getting rid of fat stored in the body without losing muscle mass or fluids. It contributes to improving body composition, which means increasing the ratio of muscle to fat. It improves overall health and reduces the risk of obesity-related diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

You can achieve fat loss through strength exercises to increase muscle mass and cardio exercises to burn fat, which leads to improved fitness and physical appearance and enhances overall health by reducing harmful visceral fat and improving hormonal balance.

It is measured using tools such as biometrics and body fat analyses, providing a more accurate picture of improvements in body composition.

What is more important, weight loss or fat loss?

The importance between weight loss and fat loss depends on the health and fitness goals of the individual. But losing fat is considered more important and beneficial to overall health compared to losing weight in general. Here are the reasons:

Reduced disease risk: Losing fat, especially visceral fat around internal organs, reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

Increased muscle mass: When focusing on losing fat through exercise and proper nutrition, muscle mass is maintained or even increased, giving the body a more harmonious and attractive shape.

Appetite control: A balanced diet that focuses on fat loss helps control appetite and make you feel full for longer periods, reducing excess food intake.

Reducing stress and anxiety: Regular exercise and a healthy diet contribute to improving psychological state and reducing levels of stress and anxiety.

How to focus on fat loss instead of weight loss and bariatric surgery?

  1. Balanced nutrition: Eat meals rich in protein, vegetables, and healthy fats, and reduce sugars and simple carbohydrates.
  2. Exercise: Strength training and weight lifting combined with cardio.
  3. Good sleep: Get enough sleep to improve hormonal balance and increase metabolic rate.
  4. Drink water: Drink sufficient amounts of water to maintain fluid balance and improve metabolism.
  5. Accurate monitoring: Measure the percentage of body fat instead of focusing only on the scale.

In general, focusing on fat loss rather than total weight loss is more beneficial for you, improving your body’s appearance and performance, and achieving a balance between proper nutrition and appropriate exercise, which achieves sustainable and healthy results.

Dr. Samir Al Rahmani, the best surgeon in Dubai and a consultant in the field of bariatric, laparoscopic surgery, and general surgery, advises the necessity of continuous follow-up after the operation with your doctor, and you can contact him through the number:

+971 55 256 4750

The Impact of Intermittent Fasting on Weight Loss: Benefits and Risks

Can Intermittent Fasting Impact Weight Loss?


Yes, there are several reasons why intermittent fasting is more effective in weight loss and improving overall health:


– Calorie Reduction:Intermittent fasting reduces daily calorie intake and regulates levels.

– Improved Fat Burning: During fasting periods, the body increases the rate of fat burning to obtain energy.

– Insulin Improvement:Fasting enhances the body’s sensitivity to insulin, which helps stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce fat accumulation.

– Increases Beneficial Hormones: Intermittent fasting raises levels of beneficial hormones such as HGH and norepinephrine, which help burn fat and increase metabolism.

– Gut Health Improvement: Intermittent fasting can improve gut health and reduce inflammation.

– Simplifies Diet: It reduces the number of meals consumed, focusing on healthy and nutritious foods.


The results of intermittent fasting may vary from person to person based on factors such as age, gender, physical activity level, and the type of diet followed. Therefore, it is advisable to consult a specialist before starting any new dietary regimen to ensure its safety.


Are There Any Harms to Intermittent Fasting?


Individuals fasting for long hours may experience headaches, lethargy, and constipation due to a lack of fiber. It might also lead to overeating due to prolonged hunger.


Some harms include slowing down metabolism and increasing appetite due to a reduction in calorie intake, which can slow down fat burning, causing slow weight loss or rapid weight loss along with muscle mass loss. This is dangerous as it can harm the kidneys, urinary system, liver, and gallbladder due to prolonged bile stagnation, leading to gallstones. 

Long fasting periods can cause lethargy, bloating, and other digestive issues.


Therefore, it is crucial to follow intermittent fasting under the guidance of a doctor or specialist to determine the appropriate fasting hours and a healthy diet plan, aiding in healthy weight loss.

Weight Loss and Hair Loss: Causes and Treatment

Does Weight Loss Lead to Hair Loss? And What is the Treatment?


In some cases, excessive weight loss can lead to hair loss, especially in instances of rapid weight loss due to a lack of nutrients needed by the hair and hormonal changes, which can result in hair shedding.


 Following a Strict Diet

Studies have confirmed a link between following a strict diet and hair loss. The body, like hair, needs calories and nutrients to grow healthily. When the body doesn’t get what it needs, it can negatively impact hair, leading to its loss.


Thus, it is recommended to follow supplementary dietary plans after various weight loss surgeries to help the body replenish calories and maintain the health of your hair and nails. It is emphasized to include a diet low in proteins, as proteins help hair produce keratin, an essential protein for hair. When the body does not get enough protein, it can lead to hair loss.


How to Prevent Hair Loss When Losing Weight?


After weight loss surgeries, it is crucial to follow a healthy diet and avoid strict diets. The body needs adequate calorie intake and various minerals, as harsh diets are harmful to mental health.


Therefore, a balanced diet should be followed instead of traditional diets to avoid nutrient deficiencies that lead to hair loss and brittle nails.


The Best Foods to Help Stop Hair Loss:

Eggs: Hair follicles are made of protein, so consuming eggs as a primary element enhances hair follicles. Eggs also contain zinc, selenium, and elements needed by hair, making them one of the best foods for healthy hair.


Omega-3: Found in fish, seeds, and nuts, these unsaturated fatty acids are beneficial for nourishing hair.


Berries: Rich in Vitamin C, which contains many antioxidants that help protect hair follicles from damage, strengthen hair, and prevent breakage.


Spinach: Contains iron, which helps strengthen hair, promotes growth, and aids in repairing hair from roots to ends.


Avocado: Contains Vitamin E, which helps hair growth and protects the scalp from damage. Avocados are rich in essential fatty acids necessary for body cells. A lack of these essential fatty acids can cause hair loss in both men and women.


Therefore, after weight loss surgeries, it is essential to follow a proper diet to maintain body balance.

Personalized Bariatric Care and its Relationship with Eid al-Adha Habits

What some fear the most is gaining weight during Eid al-Adha or generally during festive occasions, as they tend to involve more eating due to the presence of rich dishes varying from fried to grilled foods, causing worries about returning to previous weight or generally gaining weight.


However, this article will help you with foods you can enjoy without gaining weight and personalized bariatric care to avoid obesity during the Eid period.


1- Proteins

Eating protein is not a factor in weight gain; in fact, many weight loss diets depend on consuming various types of meat. Therefore, you can have meat portions without overindulging, and you can replace fried meats with healthier grilled options.


2- Eating meals throughout the day

The main meal known in Eid al-Adha is Fattah or Kabsa with meat, which you can consume but spread throughout the day in smaller, less frequent meals to help your body burn calories and keep you feeling full.


3- Avoid fats, oils, and ghee

Avoid cooking with ghee and oils in dishes to reduce calorie intake.


4- Drink plenty of water

Drinking water throughout the day helps burn calories, so aim to drink at least 8 glasses a day.


5- Eat meats in healthy ways

Weight loss depends on high-protein, low-carbohydrate diets, meaning grilled meat dishes can be eaten without worrying about weight gain.


6- Avoid carbohydrates

Avoid rice, pasta, and bread as they contribute to weight gain.


7- Avoid sweets and sugars

Consume sweets in moderation during gatherings and have simple pieces of pastries without overindulging.


8- Reduce salt intake

Avoid pickles and foods high in salt.


9- Reduce caffeine and carbonated drinks

For better sleep health, try to reduce caffeine during family gatherings to help you relax and sleep well at night.


We wish you a happy and blessed Eid, and for any consultation, you can contact Dr. Sameer Al Rahmani at +971552564750.

Healthy habits that weight reduction surgery during sleep

How can you use sleep to lose weight?

At night, the body burns up to 300 calories, which is equivalent to the energy spent running for an hour, and there are habits you can adopt to help you lose weight.

Thus, there are healthy habits that enhance weight loss during sleep with the least effort possible, but they do require a diet and exercise.

1- Sleeping in cooler temperatures

Experts recommend sleeping in cooler temperatures to boost metabolism because being in a cool environment activates brown fat cells responsible for thermoregulation. When you sleep in a cold room, your body starts burning energy to maintain your body temperature.

2- Grape juice

Grape juice significantly helps in burning calories due to its content of “resveratrol,” which transforms harmful fats into brown fats. While you sleep, your body uses brown fat to maintain a moderate temperature, helping your body shed excess fat instead of storing it. It’s important to consume fresh juices and avoid sugary drinks.

3- Sleeping at specific times

Studies confirm that not maintaining regular sleep times helps activate “brown” cells that aid in burning calories. Irregular sleep patterns can make you crave meals in the morning that help replenish your energy.

4- Eating light meals at night

You can eat light snacks like yogurt, cheese, or peanut butter.

5- Exercising during the day

Exercising during the day helps with good sleep, especially resistance exercises which help with burning during sleep.

6- Consuming various herbs

Consuming different herbs helps in losing weight during sleep, as tea enhances health and fitness. Peppermint tea reduces appetite, chamomile tea aids digestion, and drinking sage before bed helps with weight loss.

7- Relaxation

The process of relaxation before sleep helps reduce stress and lower cortisol levels in the body, leading to increased fat accumulation, especially around the abdomen.

You can contact Dr. Sameer Al Rahmani for assistance with plans to maintain weight after weight loss.

You can contact him at: +971552564750

Bariatric and its relationship to chronic diseases: The effect of bariatric on liver disease

Bariatric and its relationship to liver disease

Bariatric problems are many, and bariatric may affect the body’s organs and is linked to many chronic diseases, including liver disease. Here we will explain some liver diseases associated with bariatric.

Bariatric-related liver disease

  1. Fatty liver disease: It is the most common liver disease in people who suffer from bariatric. It occurs when fat accumulates in the liver.
  2. Steatohepatitis: The accumulation of fat in the liver may lead to inflammation and damage to liver cells.
  3. Cirrhosis: Bariatric can contribute to the development of cirrhosis, a condition in which scars form in the liver as a result of chronic damage. Cirrhosis can lead to liver failure and serious health problems.
  4. Liver cancer: The development of liver cancer is more likely in people who suffer from bariatric, and the risk of developing liver cancer increases with increasing cirrhosis.
  • How does bariatric affect the liver?

Bariatric causes health problems that can lead to chronic liver disease.

You should follow the weight loss surgery method to avoid this

 Here’s how bariatric affects the liver:

  • Accumulation of fat in the liver: It causes inflammation and leads to liver damage when the fat content in the liver exceeds 5-10% of the liver weight.
  • Insulin resistance: The body becomes less able to use insulin effectively. This leads to high blood sugar levels and fat accumulation in the liver.
  • Systemic inflammation: Bariatric leads to increased levels of inflammation in the body, which can cause liver inflammation and worsen fatty liver disease.

Ways to prevent the effects of bariatric instead of doing different types of weight loss surgery?

  1. personalized bariatric care: Losing weight leads to reducing fat and not accumulating it in the liver, thus preventing damage or inflammation in the liver.
  2. Follow a healthy lifestyle: Exercise, a good diet, eating fruits and vegetables, and drinking water regularly help improve health and reduce fat in the liver.
  3. Maintaining sugar and fat levels: Limit the intake of foods that contain cholesterol and triglycerides.
  4. Conducting periodic examinations: They are necessary to help prevent the development of chronic diseases.

The liver plays a vital role in maintaining the health of the body, and any malfunction in its function can greatly affect overall health. It is necessary to maintain liver health through a healthy lifestyle that includes proper nutrition, exercise, maintaining blood sugar and fat levels, and adhering to periodic examinations, and don’t forget to follow the weight loss surgery method if necessary to avoid the effect of bariatric liver.


Dr. Samir Al Rahmani, the best surgeon in Dubai and a consultant in the field of bariatric, laparoscopic surgery, and general surgery, advises the necessity of continuous follow-up after the operation with your doctor, and you can contact him through the number:

+971 55 256 4750 


Details about the gastric balloon: Is the gastric balloon suitable for all ages and weights?

A gastric balloon is one of the weight loss procedures without surgery that helps lose weight and help people suffering from bariatric. Doctors recommend it as it is a safe and effective option, in which a silicone balloon filled with air is inserted into the stomach through the mouth using an endoscope. Once placed in the stomach, the balloon fills a large portion, reducing the amount of food that can be eaten and immediately increasing the feeling of fullness.

When does a person resort to gastric weight loss surgery?

A person resorts to using a gastric balloon in specific cases:

  • Excessive bariatric: One of the main reasons for resorting to a gastric balloon surgery is if the body mass index is between 30 a
  • .nd 40, and exercises and diet do not help in losing excess weight.
  • The presence of health problems related to bariatric: Bariatric causes serious health problems that the person suffers from, such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease.
  • Medical consultation: A doctor specializing in bariatric diseases must be consulted to evaluate the patient’s general health condition and determine the suitability of the gastric balloon for his condition.

Is the swallowable gastric balloon suitable for all ages and weights?

Regarding age:

The gastric balloon is usually suitable for adults between the ages of 18 and 65 years, and it can also be used for people over the age of 65 years, but the gastric balloon is rarely used for children and adolescents under the age of 18 years, and if there is a necessity, it must be under medical supervision to evaluate the patient’s condition. 

Regarding weight:

The gastric balloon is suitable for people with moderate to severe bariatric when the BMI is from 30 to 40, and it can also be when the index is higher than 40, but the gastric balloon may not be the ideal solution for people with a BMI less than 30 unless There are special medical reasons that require this and it must be under medical supervision.

In the end, the gastric balloon (weight loss surgery without surgery) is not suitable for all ages and weights, and each case must be evaluated individually by a specialist doctor. Age, health, and weight criteria must be taken into consideration to determine the suitability of this procedure for the patient to ensure the best results are achieved.


Dr. Samir Al Rahmani, the best surgeon in Dubai and a consultant in the field of bariatric, laparoscopic surgery, and general surgery, advises the necessity of continuous follow-up after the operation with your doctor, and you can contact him through the number:

+971 55 256 4750


Hernia: Types, Causes, and Advanced Surgical and Preventive Treatment Methods | Dr. Samir Al-Rahmani

Dr. Samir Rahmani- General Surgeon

Hernias often occur when one of the body’s internal parts presses against a muscle or internal tissue. Hernias typically develop in the area between the chest and hips.


There are several types of hernia surgeries:

– Open surgery: Involves making a surgical incision to allow the repositioning of protruded tissues or internal organ parts back into the body.

– Laparoscopic surgery: Involves making several small cuts or wounds that allow the surgeon to repair the hernia using special tools.


Patients can usually go home immediately after the surgery or the following day and need a few weeks to fully recover.


What are the types of hernias?


– Inguinal hernia:

This type occurs when fatty tissue from the intestines presses on the groin area. It is the most common type of hernia and affects men more frequently.


– Femoral hernia:

Occurs due to pressure on fatty tissue inside the intestines but is generally less common than inguinal hernias, and more frequently affects women than men.


– Umbilical hernia:

Occurs near the navel where fatty tissue presses on the intestines. This type is more common among children if the navel does not close properly after cutting the umbilical cord post-birth, but it can also affect adults due to repeated pressure on the abdominal area.


Causes of hernias:

– Excessive obesity.

– Weightlifting and carrying heavy weights.

– Chronic coughing.

– Accumulation of fluids in the abdomen.

– Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease due to chronic chest allergies.

– Family medical history of hernias.


Symptoms of hernias vary between men and women.


Symptoms in men include:

– A bulge in the hernia area that can be seen or felt.

– Pain in the affected area.

– A sensation of pressure at the hernia site.

– A feeling of tension around the testicles in the scrotum.

– Pain that worsens with activities like lifting weights.


Symptoms in women include:

– Sharp pain in the affected area.

– A burning sensation.

– Discomfort, especially with activity.


Prevention methods for hernias include:

– Maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding obesity.

– Consuming fiber-rich foods to prevent constipation.

– Quitting smoking.

– Performing exercises to strengthen abdominal muscles.

– Avoiding lifting heavy weights.


Possible complications of hernias include:

– Swelling and pain in the surrounding area.

– Intestinal obstruction, causing nausea and constipation.

– Injury or death of intestinal tissues due to a lack of blood supply.


If you experience any symptoms or complications, we advise you to contact Dr. Samir Rahmani, the best surgeon in Dubai and Sharjah. You can reach him at: +971552564750.

Maintaining the Ideal Weight After Dieting: Effective Techniques and Tips.

Dr.Samir Rahmain- General Surgeon- Mini Gastric

Techniques for Maintaining Ideal Weight


There are several simple ways to maintain your ideal weight after dieting or undergoing weight loss surgery.


Firstly, we would like to congratulate you on achieving a healthy weight for yourself. Maintaining it is not easy, but it is certainly not the hardest task if you follow some guidelines regarding calorie counts in meals throughout the day, a variety of food lists, and also by keeping up with exercise.


Here are some tips to help you on your journey to maintain weight loss:

– Adopt a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced diet and engaging in plenty of physical activity.

– Monitor your weight in the most effective way to maintain the appropriate weight by weighing yourself twice a week on a reliable scale.

– Eat foods high in fiber to help you feel full, such as legumes (lentils and beans), vegetables, and fruits which are good sources of fiber and low in calories.

– Exercise for at least 30 minutes, five days a week or more, to reap health benefits.

– Choose dairy products that are low in fat, such as milk, cheese, labneh, and yogurt, to help reduce calorie intake.

– Stick to grilled fish and chicken.

– When eating out, avoid menus that include the words “fried” or “breaded” as they contain extra amounts of fats and calories, and focus on salads instead.

– If you slip up, there’s no need for self-punishment, especially if it’s rare; replace it with exercise when feeling guilty.

– Don’t force yourself to eat specific types of food, especially if you don’t like them, as you have many different options available.


In conclusion, discuss your habits, dietary system, and lifestyle with a nutrition specialist who can help you plan and choose healthy foods and determine the appropriate amounts you should consume to maintain your figure after dieting or weight loss procedures.

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