Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric bypass surgery is considered one of the weight loss surgeries performed on people suffering from bariatric to lose weight. The doctor divides the stomach into two parts, creates a small cavity in the upper part of the stomach, and then connects part of the small intestine to this cavity. This process helps reduce food intake and thus lose weight.

When should gastric bypass be performed?

There are some reasons that a person must perform this surgery:

The person works to lose weight and all his attempts, whether by following a healthy diet or practicing sports, fail.
If your body mass index reaches 40 or more.
The person’s weight exceeds his ideal weight by about 45 kilograms in the case of a man, or 36 kilograms in the case of a woman.

Preparing for gastric bypass surgery

Some procedures are taken into consideration before performing bariatric surgery, including:

A complete physical examination is performed to ensure that the person is in good health, his complete medical history is reviewed, and other examinations such as diagnostic tests or blood tests are performed.
If it is a woman, a pregnancy test is performed to ensure that there is no pregnancy, and the doctor warns against the woman becoming pregnant during the first year after undergoing this procedure as well, because rapid weight loss may pose a danger to the life and safety of the fetus.
The doctor asks the patient to fast for eight hours before the procedure.
  Informing the doctor of everything related to the patient’s health, including the medications, supplements, and vitamins he is taking, or if there is an allergy to a particular substance or medication, or if there is a medical history.
The doctor asks the patient to start exercising and change his diet for several weeks before undergoing bariatric surgery.

What are the harms of gastric bypass surgery?

Despite the success of gastric bypass surgery and its effective results in losing weight and achieving the desired weight, there are some complications and harms:

Some signs and symptoms appear after eating, such as sweating, nausea, diarrhea, fainting, and general weakness.
In some cases, the stomach expands over time and returns to its original size.
The opening created between the upper part of the stomach and the small intestine becomes narrow and thus one is unable to eat.
As a result of rapid weight loss, gallstones may occur.
The person becomes more susceptible to deficiencies in vitamins, minerals, and some other nutrients.
Destruction of the lines of staples used to divide the stomach into two parts.

Healthy diet after gastric bypass

Your doctor will talk to you about the diet you will need to follow after bypass surgery to explain to you the types of foods and the amounts you can eat at each meal, with the aim of:

Get used to eating smaller amounts of food so that your smaller stomach can digest it easily and safely.
Helping you lose weight and avoid gaining it again.
The stomach does not expand due to the food you eat.
Avoid common side effects and complications of surgery.

Dr. Samir Al Rahmani, the best surgeon in Dubai and a consultant in the field of bariatric, laparoscopic surgery, and general surgery, advises the necessity of continuous follow-up after the operation with your doctor, and you can contact him through the number:

+971 55 256 4750

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    Contact Dr. Samir if you have any questions

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    02 Jumeirah Beach Rd - opposite Burj Al Arab - Umm Suqeim - Jumeirah 3 - Dubai

Opening Hours:

9am-9pm (Saturday- Thursday)
9am-6pm (Saturday)